With over 100 different ethnicities represented at KPMG New Zealand, our Ethnicity Network are committed to ensuring we celebrate the richness of our diversity.

The Ethnicity Network at KPMG (EN@K) aims to increase our cultural intelligence and find ways to ensure that personal needs which resonate with business are reflected back in KPMG’s actions. EN@K’s priorities include ensuring that all of our people have access to equal opportunities, growing our cultural competency, increasing the ethnic diversity of our leadership and ensuring that all of our people feel respected and can bring their whole selves to work.

Connect with us

People in ethnic wear
People in ethnic wear celebrating diwali

Having a range of different perspectives and experiences helps us to deliver better solutions to our clients. It takes difference, to make a difference.

we have 107 different ethnicities

As at 31 March, 2024

Cultural Holiday Swap Initiative

We recognise that people have individual circumstances and preferences when it comes to where and how they work. As a addition to our Flex@KPMG policy, we have also implemented a cultural holiday swap initiative.

Our KPMG Cultural Holiday Swap initiative gives our people the opportunity to swap up to two specified New Zealand public holidays each year to an alternative date. This allows our people to spend time with friends and whānau on the days that are most important to them.

>  Read more about our People Promise at KPMG.

People celebrating South African culture
Inclusion, Diversity & Equity
Inclusion, Diversity & Equity

Inclusion is about Belonging